Thursday, July 30, 2015

(Florida) College wardrobe essentials. //

When I was preparing for college last year I would spend hours on youtube and Pinterest looking up stuff I need to pack or essentials. While 70% of everything I saw was extremely helpful a lot of it got crazy, hectic and confusing. 

You can pretty much find everything you need for your dorm room just fine. The hardest part for me was finding wardrobe essentials. I was not used to what the climate would be like in Florida so I had no idea what to pack or what to shop for. So this entire blog post is for you ladies in the southern states who're looking for some extra help. 

If you guys are attending school in the colder states and would like a wardrobe essentials please let me know. I have many friends who have college experience in the colder states and they can help me, help you guys. That way it's one less thing to stress about. Okay lets get started. 

Rain Boots:
If you live in Florida you need rain boots. I did not think they were a necessity whatsoever. As soon as I arrived on campus it rained like two or three times a day, and at completely random times?! (LOL serves me right for not listening). I quickly ordered rain boots ASAP. If you are going out of state for school packing rain boots will be hassle since they are so big and take up space. I recommend ordering some online or shipping your own to school it's just so much easier. 

     1/ Hunter tour boots    2/ Hunter short boots.  3/ Target knee high boots 4/ Target print boots. 

Utility Jacket:

In Florida it randomly gets cold (by that I mean 50-60f) especial through Nov-Feb that's why having a utility jacket is so important.  A utility jacket that also doubles as a rain jacket is also a plus.
1/ Hooded Jacket  2/ Utility jacket 3/ North face jacket (30% off)

I thought I never would wear jeans in florida until December. But most buildings in Florida blast out their AC so you can be sweating bullets one minute then become freezing cold the next. Jeans are my favorite go-to look for my classes.

1/ Ripped high jeans  2/ White high rise 3/ skinny jeans


I pretty much wear shorts (90%) of the time. Here are three different shorts you will find me always wearing whether its to class, working out, or for a fun night out.

Random essentials:
These might seem a little weird but they are super essential for school in florida. I find that I wear baseball caps so much more than I have ever worn them before. I use them for the beach, running, bad hair day, etc... The next item is "life saver" it's like bicycle shorts kinda? Anyways I wear them when I workout and wear skirts and dresses. It gets so humid in Florida it gets uncomfortable when you thighs rub together this saves you from being uncomfortable in the humidity. Next is running shoes I wear them all the time. Some times my feet get so tired from walking everywhere it's just nice to wear something that supports my feet.

 1/ baseball hat 2 / Jockey  3/ Nike running shoes

Well I hope this was helpful? Let me know if you guys want to see more post like this. 


  1. well, I'm not going to college in florida, but i think this works for anyone going to college this year. :) Definitely a helpful post. :)

  2. Thanks for sharing wonderful collection of clothes, shoes and accessories. It is really a nice wardrobe collection.I want to share an informative thing about cellulite.Today cellulite is a big problem and people are finding that how to remove cellulite. Cellulite Burned is one of the best way to get the complete solution if you were suffering from this problem.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Ooh! I love those knee high and shorter Hunter boots! I was always hesitant to purchase Hunter boots until I saw a girl on campus with a really nice, slim pair.

    Also, I enjoyed looking through you college wardrobe essentials! I've started college this semester and I too scoured the web for inspiration and a list of essentials! I've enjoyed taking inspiration from Pinterest and YT, but it's been fun tailoring the basics to my style (and of course, my city, NYC! It's cold here already and so, chunky sweaters, scarves and even jackets are essentials!)
